This is the secret strategy will help you make a golf swing technique change! Dr Luke Benoit shares exactly what he does with this students to make drastic change like helping someone shallow their swing in just 2-3 weeks.

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#golf #golfpractice #golfswing #golftips

All right so we found a bucket of foam golf balls here Luke why why do we have foam golf balls when I can just hit these real ones we’re trying to learn a gol swing and not hit a great shot that’s our goal one two three ah that wasn’t as good that was

Certifiably terrible this is going to be an awesome video luk is going to dive into some research and some concept of strategies on learning how to change your Technique and why you’d want to do that I think are awesome let’s get into it All right look so our idea here is how do we change a golf swing and it’s something I think is super hard right people I think underestimate how difficult it is to change a golf swing right but you’re this mad scientist here in Minnesota where it’s you know winter

All year long so you’ve had to figure out some interesting ideas on how to change golf swings any yeah I’m unique because we have a really long off season so five months I get to grind on golf swings and I’d say there’s kind of two ways to improve your gol swing like

Broadly one is fix the easy stuff so if you have somebody coming in with a slice or a hook like that honestly should only take one lesson I’ve got a 5year streak with nobody leaving with a slice okay it’s easy stuff when you’re just changing path and face okay we can talk

About some of that the hard stuff is when you’re trying to totally change a lot of things like early extension maybe you’re steep where we have a lot of variables moving around and we’re trying to take it from like one phase that’s kind of dysfunctional to another phase

That’s much more accurate we’re trying to improve face control long term right so if you’re one of those golfers where your good shots are straight but you you get a lot of inconsistent shots you need a big face change let’s say you in those Golf R where you’re like standing up

Right and the handle’s getting high and it’s a lot of face rotation it’s very hard to time and you’re not going to play very consistent golf those are the people that need to learn how to rebuild the swing okay and we get rid of the

Golf of the real ball we work on a foam ball to make that change yeah through that so let’s let’s hit a shot and then like maybe figure something out to work on cool hey it selling off the car pets C I don’t know if we need to remodel it yeah looks

Pretty good man that’s good I like that I Like awesome I I love your all swing there’s not that much I would change I mean we kind of dive into setup looks great yeah you take it away Club head might be a slightly inside right there Y at the top laid off but you know a lot

Of good players are a little laid off y we could probably try to get you a little bit shallower and get the club a little bit more here and a lot of people right now it’s very popular these days to work on shallowing the swing and rotation and I get so many lessons

Working on that stuff yeah because it’s very hard to fix okay and people don’t have a good process for it should we say like I did want to shout right I am a little bit steep by that’s that’s been my pattern since I was a kid right I

Mean typically if we’re standing here and you told me this I would just start to like all right so I got to feel like I’m going to do some of this or I got to go more like this and you just start trying in different feels right right

And you’re already educated you already know some of those feels but the average person you’ll tell them to get shallow and a lot of times what’ll happen is they won’t move it at all doesn’t shallow okay or they actually just get inside out and their path is going to

First base because they think shallowing means right and then they’re Hing big hooks y or chunks yep so it’s really hard to actually teach somebody how to shallow the club and then we also have the the problem as we shallow the club we’re we’re going

To probably hit behind it a lot okay um and we also need to make sure that we rotate to match that up so that the club starts moving around our body because when the club dumps here now we got to turn so that we can square it go around

Got it so makes sense lot lot of things going on it’s a lot of things this is where I’d call like it’s a big phase change to learn how to do that okay and so it’s a really common problem and a lot of people if they like if I say all

Right Cy give it a try try to hit one and shallow it let’s try it can you do it on one swing yeah it’s really hard with the real ball yeah absolutely because I’m trying to make solid contact with it like I’m addicted to this I want

To see that look good yeah so I do a ton of online and when I started doing online I will be honest like I think I was teaching differently I was teaching how I would do iners okay and now how I teach online is completely different and

It’s actually affected how I teach in person as well okay and so I I give people a road map and this is a guy Seth who we made this change and I’m not kidding you this took 16 days that’s crazy um so obviously not everybody’s as

Talented as him and he was hit probably hitting balls um something like four or five hours a week yeah but I didn’t give him any real balls for the first 10 to 12 Days okay then we got a couple real ones going at the end huh in the first

Four or five days we didn’t hit any balls at all Y and the reason is I don’t really want you to work on trying to hit any good shots I want you to learn the pattern I almost look at it’s like martial arts okay like before you add

Speed to a punch you better first learn how to have some BO movement coordination okay like let’s say you’re the average person that’s early extending um maybe maybe really steep as a result trying to trying to get out of the way in a really extent right it’s a

Really common problem so I’m going to have you feel the opposite but we’re going to take away the back swing cuz down swing is the important part right the back swing kind of sets the table but if your down swing is garbage you’re never going to play good goal okay so

Let’s take care of the down swing first so I’m going to have you out here we’re going to do all the things we need to to shallow the golf club we’re going to feel some what we call all ner Devi which is wide angles okay we’re going to

Feel this right arm kind of extend a little bit we’re going to feel like there’s a big wedge between our left arm and our chest and that should help us get our Trail arm to externally rotate a little bit and go this way and then we’re going to match that up by getting

Our chest down okay and by rotating we’re going to do all this so I’m going to give you about 17 swing thoughts but one of them is not hit a good shot so we’re going to do without a golf ball we’re going to take it up here do a

Freezer like this you going to have you feel like you go fresher into the ground right here to to start your down swing at the same time you’re going to feel a club down and wide you’re going to rotate just like that okay so I’m going to coach you through that so we’re

Starting no ball there’s no ball we’re not we’re just going to the top yeah okay well let’s freeze up there and kind of get familiar with the position good so I’m going to go I’m going to bake you into a little bit more hip turn I’m

Going to get you pushed away feel that stretch yes so now we have a chance where we have like a beach ball could sit up here okay and you can keep this Trail arm feeling this way in the down swing which is literally like casting right and I’m going to solve your

Casting by casting okay so we’re going to feel this way on the way down with the arms we’re going to feel like the wrist goes this way so you’re thinking about owner yeah thinking about width and space Y and then while we’re doing that with the arms we’re also going to

Think about getting into the ground and rotating all of these things at once okay makes sense it does it’s a lot of things my brain is kind of spinning right now I don’t know what to think about to be honest okay so we got this and we’re going like this you got

It you got it oh boy let’s do one more and freeze it up there and this is where you know we get into the coaching you say well can we get a little more space can we get a little more turn can we make this easier by exaggerating the

Heck out of it and now I really want you to feel like as you start down like let’s go eat the ball get the chest down and rotate awesome that’s great so the weird thing about this casting sensation is like you feel like you’re doing this the

Soon as you go down with the chest and rotate you literally can have that shaft Lan so all these people that like do this yeah they think that is cuz their hands are flipping their hands are flipping because their body mechanics are terrible huh if you learn how to shallow

It cover it rotate you can’t have bad shling okay so we’re going to train the body to do the right stuff with a really shallow move here we go so we’re going to go back turn there down and there’s always a debate in golf like should you learn slow motion or

Should you learn what we call segmentation I do way more segmentation the reason is if you try to do this in slow motion and feel it as soon as you go to full speed we have these motion dependent torqus that make everything different anyway so we’re going to have

Arms going up and everything’s going to flip I’d rather have you go full speed and like manage the move with a freezer let’s define freezer you’re just talking about we go to freezer stop exactly and that’s the biggest innovation in teaching and I would I would give ganas

Credit obviously Butch used to work with tiger on freezers it’s not a new idea but it’s getting way more popular okay right so here’s you feeling the move so you’re feeling wide and shallow we talked about getting like the feel of like putting a beach ball up here yeah

So you got a lot of space and then you’re kind of queuing the move look at that oh we like that so you’re queuing it learning it and it is way lower than it was yeah and now because you’re so low and you’re rotating look at how your

Shaft Lan’s amazing right now what do you see with the club face it’s wide open right so this is the biggest point of like if you were trying to hit a real ball your brain’s like that’s not going to work like shank it Shank you might

Shank it you might be 80 yard right but that’s going to keep your brain from actually doing it right so now if we’re going to go work on this I’d rather have you be like all right let’s solve this we don’t even need to hit balls or real

Balls let’s try to feel some flexion to match up the face okay so now we’re going to get more shut because I don’t need you to hit 100 Ys right right away yep but the move looks great it’s just not Matched so let’s freeze it up there one more time and we’ll talk about all right we’re going to try to feel on this one just a little bit more flexion as we start down just in case you want to match up that face and not be Mile right

So now you’re feeling shut yeah and now you can rotate and that thing won’t be quite as far to the right make sense so let’s see we’re going to go back you keep pushing me you keep pulling me out farther here that’s hard the more space the better for shallowing okay oh

Interesting def find space like you want space between the left arm and the shoulder so if you’re up here the more this angle is the more yeah then it’s a lot harder to usually most people that are really really stuck here their elbow gets this way right

They can’t go external which means in front got it okay so we’re going to go back we’re going to go that way and we’re going to go down but now we’re going to rotate this to like this right yeah awesome now how long do you think this

Would take for you to make the practice swing like we’re doing with a freezer look really good on video I say within like 30 minutes like less than 30 minutes 30 minutes for you you could make it look good exactly how long would it take for you to use the

Swing on the golf course currently it feels like uh three months but I bet we could shorten that yeah so what we got to do is just say take it to step one and make the swing look awesome with a freezer okay now we’re going to add a

Slow back swing and do the same thing okay so the slow back swing is going to look like this one two three go cuz I don’t want you to have a bifurcated process meaning like you could be awesome at freezers but you can’t take it to the golf course

Okay so people that do that and do freezers all the time right they have two different golf swings completely yep and I think that’s a good point before anyone shuts us off and comments like this is never going to work when you go to play golf what you’re saying is yes

That’s correct because we got to go through all these other steps to get there it’s not like 30 minutes from now I should go play 18 holes right okay got it yeah so let’s try this and and uh the secret sauce here is we’re going to go

Slow back swing okay 3 second back swing I want you to go one two three go feel the exact same stuff go good and of course that fell like three but it was actually one okay so let’s let’s have you count a little slower and I’ll record it God

There’s a lot to think about holy cow um all right so here we go one go good and then on the down swing that’s when you can really fire right but you got you got to have a space in time so kind of raiding the 3se second

Back swing here it did it took right around two two maybe three is it shallow yeah heck yeah are you covered yeah it’s awesome so you can make that look good and usually what I’ll have people do is I’ll have them do alternating between a freezer and a slow back swing for quite

A while got it because the freezer allows you to just get in and learn the move yeah the slow back swings your transition to actually take it to a ball eventually so there’s some of this training that happens with a coach some without a coach right you’re getting

Hands on as well how when is that happening for you is that like an initial stay it’s hands- on like we are putting you in a position we’re going to like I want you feel this so you can get into that yeah I mean it’s great to

Great to start out in person but you could do it online too and you could have a coach tell you hey go do this and everybody’s going to be a little different this model is super um useful for anybody and any problem but there’s always like nuances where coaching helps

A lot you know cuz some people may not need to shut the face right some people may really have trouble getting turns they might need to flare you know a lot of individual Tendencies but the really helpful for any issue okay so step one no ball freezers step two slow back

Swing Swing and rotate those then as well yeah and then you’re just going to learn to alternate the pattern and you know it would be cool if people could stick to a maybe a more advanced plan but people can really stick to freezer slow back swing alternating that’s why

It’s so powerful okay because somebody will do that and then they’re going to get really good at both of them eventually got so the next step you’ve proven that you can make the swing look really good without a ball you can do it uh in down swing you can put a 3se

Second back swing on and look good we’re ready for a foam ball okay here we go now the big goal on the foam ball is like hit a terrible shot I don’t care if you miss the swing has to look awesome okay cuz we don’t want to struggle with

The swing change very long like we’re done with this thing going to make it look great okay so go and shank it all right so we’re going to go back feel nice take a look man like that looks really good doesn’t it like you’re starting to feel the move and a little

Bit you’re starting with the ground look at how the head and chest are lowering these are all really good components of ground force when you see the lowering and the shallowing and the rotation wow you’re going to get low face rotation at impact huh I I’ve never rotated my like

Chest like that I don’t think that’s a new that’s totally new for me yeah and you can’t do it if you’re steep cuz you’re going to jam to the ground when you rotate harder so great match ups there huh cool okay so that was freezer

With foam ball yep now we’re going to do 3 second back swing 3 second back swing go ahead and count out loud okay here we go cheat one two three ah that wasn’t as good yeah and that was uh you know I always encourage people to hit like terrible shots that

Was certifiably terrible that is the goal go go ahead the worse you can hit it the better we’re going to do with our swing changes here right so take a look that was let’s see if it’s as good it’s pretty good yeah isn’t it yeah oh like that’s totally different delivery there

Yeah wow and so now we’re at the stage where you’re actually going to start solving a little bit of like the biases that make you play good okay what I’d say is you’re going to have biases in three different areas one would be face control one would be your path one would

Be your impact location okay so I want you to hit a lot of terrible shots like you should hit the ball all over this Eiffel Tower okay but you can’t do the same thing every time so if your face is open and the ball is going right we’re

Going to fix it yeah if it’s way closed we’re going to fix it if you’re chunking it we’re going to fix it if you’re shanking it we’re going to fix it okay but I don’t care if it’s all of them as long as it’s not the same one every time

Got it interesting so you don’t want to see the same mistake twice cuz you want me to try to problem solve and figure out correct how to not okay yeah that’s that’s perfect like I want to go back and do freezers with no ball to try to

Try to feel the club is that what you do then yeah so we’re going to keep alternating the pattern for quite a while I like to get people to look 95% awesome in like perfect okay Tommy Fleetwood it’s looking awesome before you go to the next agage and so I don’t

Really care if the contact’s amazing yet but before we go to real balls I want your contact on a phone ball to be pretty sweet okay good I want I want to do this again now I’m now I’m hooked I got to I felt like I didn’t do it well

That last time so I want to go backwards before we go forwards and then so we’re going to do freezer so go back to freezer right cuz my club face was wide open and you can do this one on a ball if you want to we can do it um with a

Freezer up there you know freezer in the ball all right so here we go so we’re going to go back back feel that wide feel that good space I need to feel I need to feel B you got it you got it so awesome cool I to it so we had a

Different Miss right it was a bad Miss but it was a different Miss and that’s what we’re looking for don’t do the same bad thing every time okay um and then if we take a look at the uh the pattern here like you’re thinking a lot which is

Great you’re supposed to be thinking about a million things pretty darn good I think you got the face closed better maybe topped it but again that’s the goal now if you’re hitting a bunch of solid shots again 9 95% pretty solid not a whole lot of bias

Going on now you’re ready for a real ball okay and we’re going to use the exact same drills we’re going to go freezer and slow back swing yeah so often what people will end up seeing is their what feels like their slow back swing actually has pretty good Tempo uh

And it is a 1 second back swing and then it’s pretty easy to add a little more speed on a real ball got it all right let’s you know it’s been 20 minutes based on what you said that sounds like enough time for me to transition to a

Real golf ball it doesn’t take everybody 20 minutes to make the giant swing change this is not normal oh this is going to be great this cool so right very right but I hit it yeah so we’re going to real ball still queuing a little bit which is

Great doing a freezer and uh looks pretty good doesn’t it yeah I means it’s very different than my yep like my swing that I had 20 minutes ago right so the impact looks tidy we’re going to have very low face rotation from there okay uh obviously chunk didn’t tote it but

That’s those are things we start solving okay um but we I think we like the way it looks right can you explain to folks um you said it a couple times now but less rotation when you shallow like this at impact can you explain why that is a

Good thing or why that happen yeah I mean I think this is where like tour Pros are trying to find the the last bit of advantage in that face control element is huge so you see guys like Phil Michelson like it looks a little more like this could you win a lot of

Majors that way you could but it’s a little harder to time the whole idea is that if your Club is from here if you’re inside out but you’re a little bit steep maybe you’re going to feel some rising up or early extension you might not feel it but you’re doing it left arm

Catapults off the chest we get this high handle and we get the the club face flipping harder so this is Phil Mickelson obviously as a pro you can get it done but it’s not maybe as repeatable as getting the club down in here wide with the arms Club is shallow now I have

All the incentive to rotate through if I’m here my club’s going to hammer the ground so I get up and out of the way if the club is here and I rotate it’s a lot better really cool thing to do is if you swing a club that’s about 20 in long

Will you early extend there’s no incentive to the club is so short it’s easy to stay down the reason people early extend it’s non-physical limitations 98% of the time it’s a shitty plane they’re too steep they tend to tend to really get here they don’t know how to shallow and get wide and

Rotate around so let’s try 3 second back swing okay one two three cool chunky you got it it’s okay you got it made contact yeah it looks great yeah so you could say let’s say you chunked a bunch in a row then you’d say well how I fix a

Chunk you could be a little taller if you want to you don’t all we don’t all have to be Walky NE in here right or you could just say well I really do want to be walking me in and I’ll shallow it a little more either way MH okay got it got it The next question that anyone’s going to have is you know I have a I have a golf tournament you know a week and a half from now right kind of in that position where I I can strike it okay with the ball we’re kind of getting there how do

I take this new swing to that what’s the next step so first I’m I’m going to take one little step back and I’ll say I usually use a dreamhouse analogy the Dreamhouse analogy is we’re going to build your new gol swing which is like your Dreamhouse and that’s going to be

The swing you want to retire with and win every Club Championship with okay but we’re not going to use that we’re not going to put the roof on that thing okay and tell that thing’s awesome okay so you don’t have to struggle and play with your swing change you can go play

With your crummy little house your old golf golf swing and you’re going to build this new house while you play with your old house got it so you can go have fun okay and maybe a little bit of it will filter in but you literally have a bifurcated pattern here huh you have

Your new swinger your building you have your old swinging you can play with you can have fun and it’ll play now if you’re one of those guys who you’re like I just don’t care how long this takes I want to go as fast as I can and I W care

How bad I play It’s like a root canal go ahead try it on the golf course you might shoot 140 y that’s fine but you will probably learn faster if you can actually stomach the change got it got it not many people are built that way I

Wouldn’t recommend it Okay so we’ve got our two swings how do I how do I merge this yeah so once you’re hitting it pretty solid with block practice you know cuz all about this is all about being able to get comfortable with your new swing and you need to make it easy

Enough at first so your seven erand are starting to look pretty good on video and you’re making good contact and we start switching clubs and you can start taking it to different settings go to the driving range maybe even play with it by yourself go take a cart and hit a

Lot of shot shots on the course we’re transferring up what I call the transfer ladder then you go play with your buddies then you start keeping score with your buddies then you try to take money off your buddies then you go play in um a tournament you go play in a club

Champ ionship state am State open US Open got it was that that’s a good ladder yeah can we do that like is that next well that’s your goal by the end of the summer that’s kind of going where we’re going to get I like that the reality is like me changing my golf

Swing is so hard that I can’t even make a normal golf swing in Block practice mode you got to break it all the way back to freezers and slow-mo right yeah to the challenge point is just way too high that’s why you can’t randomize and

Make it difficult and etc etc so it it’s it’s fun to be able to break this down uh and then kind of look at like there’s a whole ladder right whole ladder and it takes a while and like I you know a lot of I think of your viewers are pretty

Educated like they already know this is hard yeah it does take a long time but if you have a process it’s totally manageable and doable um and you can you can really significantly improve your swing but I will say like there’s always this long-term Trend like the swing you

Had as a kid still wants to rear its head especially like I used to hit hooks when I was a a junior yeah College I’d hit draws okay uh I practice Fades and I go play State open and I draw it again yeah yeah so things kind of evolve back

To where they were so like let’s say I’ve got somebody that’s slicing it we might practice at a path of 8° inside out and I’ll go expecting them play at positive two right so we got to work into our long-term Trend to make that work got it Luke this is awesome really

Unique info I mean when did you ever think that you need to go back to a foam ball again right thanks for sharing this is great cool

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