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Have you lost your timing? This video will give you some simple tools how to get your timing back and find the perfect rhythm for your swing.

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1. How to Swing a Golf Club (Simple Way)

2. The Perfect Golf ALIGNMENT Routine

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Improve the timing in your golf swing by following this process I get so many golfers that say that they just didn’t have their timing today or they they kind of lost the way and quite often it can be down to too many technical thoughts too many things going on within

Their swing within their brain and today is about simplifying it to get your swing timing back on point so what exactly is the timing in the golf swing well to me it’s the coordination of your body uh between your body and the club to get that contact on the ball to get

Some consistency the timing of all of the body parts in the club working together to get that strike and the first thing I want you to think about in terms of getting that timing getting that good Tempo in the swing is think about the pressure in your grip okay so

If we’re saying zero out of 10 would be be letting go of the club and 10 would be strangling the club I want you to think of about a three out of 10 so I want you to grip the club hold enough to hold the club but I really don’t want

Any pressure at all in the grip as soon as we do that and we we address a ball here or as a practice swing there’s no tension in my body so it allows me to swing much Freer in the swing I can I can feel very loose as I’m swinging the golf course

As soon as we get very tight and grip the club really hard it’s very difficult to get the timing because we’re so tense in the swing that the body isn’t moving as free as it should be the next thing I want you to think about you’ve got that

Light grip pressure the next thing is controlling your breathing okay you find this when you’re under pressure you’re in competition you might be on that first te and we start breathing in and out really quickly control the breathing we see it in top Sportsmen in in all different sports under the extreme

Pressure control the breathing Brea in and out really slowly and that’s going to help you stay nice and relaxed and help control that timing okay so now from a swing point of view as I said a lot of people when they struggle with the timing they’re struggling with the Rhythm they they’ve

Got too many technical thoughts okay so I want you to just empty your head especially do this in practice and and I want you to hit some very slow swings so if we’re saying your swing is 100% I want you to start off with 50% Max okay

So you’re going to grip it really slowly practice the breathing techniques and I want you to swing nice and slow again no swing thoughts at all and as you swing nice and slow here it’s going to give you that freedom a allowing the body to move as it should

Do and just get a feel for what the body and what the club’s doing so swing in nice and slow get a feel for that okay and then what you can do is you’ll find that that striking will very quickly improve once you swing it nice and easy

You can also do some half swings again a lot of guys that that tend to get you lose that timing just do some half swings get a feel for you know what what’s actually happening and and just go sort of waste to waste get a feel for

Some half swing and just get that strike get that confidence back with the strike as you develop and as you get into the full swings one thing that I see with all top players is a smooth takeaway okay so quite often if you if you lose your timing you lose that

Rhythm with we tend to snatch away you know we’ve got that tense grrip we’re snatching away and it’s very difficult to get the timing so you know the one player that comes to mind in particular when I was growing up Colin Montgomery very slow very smooth takeaway we do see

In other players in this modern era think of someone like a Colin marawa that’s very slow and deliberate and as we as we have this slow takeaway we can very smoothly and very and get get into our swing get the timing right rather than snatching back and that

Technique can kind of go all over the place stay tuned to the final part I’ve got a training aid that will transform your timing so if you’re one for training AIDS then I use the tempo trainer some of you might might have seen the orange

Whip as well very simply it’s got a grip on it’s got the heavy ball at the end super whippy and this is great for Tempo so you know really getting a feel for a nice smooth tempo as soon as you get quick you know that Ball’s going to

Snatch back and it’s going to be difficult to to move it in the way it should do so grab yourself a Tempo trainer an orange rip whip you can pick one up off Amazon uh online um great training age you know something that you can do at home perhaps you could use it

To warm up with but it’s really good for improving your timing improving your Tempo hope you found that useful today guys some simple tools for you to apply keeping it super simple get that timing back as always post any comments down below look forward to seeing you again very soon

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